Button Maker Machine

by Yina Liu

The button maker machine we have in our Literacy Lab have both the 2.25 and the 2.15 sizes. This is a very popular Makerspace activity in the public libraries. The button maker machine is easy to use, durable, and quick to have a product (excellent for younger children). We think it is also fun to make a button that can communicate your message in a small space. Children are encouraged to design their own buttons.

What about training and instructions?

It may be helpful to have our own button maker machine instructions to maintain good working condition.

Here is a good link for how to resize your photo for the different sizes of buttons.



Children are inspired to be creative rather than cut and paste an image from the internet and it is an opportunity to talk about copyright. We can also post button making challenges that involve literacy or communicative skills. For example, “Make a button using a word or picture from your favourite book”, “Make a button using sharpies and coloured paper”, or “Make a stick figure art”. For very young children, make a finger-print art button.


There are many websites and videos to show you how to make a button. This link is from the Winnipeg Public Library that have Makerspaces and button making machine on load  https://wpl.winnipeg.ca/library/ideamill/default.asp

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